Epsilon Sigma Omicron

Do you like to read or wish you spent more time reading?  Reading can increase knowledge, expand your vocabulary,  provide enjoyment and can be very entertaining.   And, as a member of the Women’s Club, you can  count your reading as community service hours for our club!

Why, you may ask?  The Women’s Club is interested in promoting  education on all levels including its members, and reading is an independent way of advancing our members’ knowledge.   By pledging to read and becoming a “Member” of the ESO,  you are pledging to take the step towards opening your mind to new ideas and information.  This educational activity is a priority to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs and has been since 1954.  We care about education, and the education of our members. 

If you are interested in being a part of the ESO as a member of the SSF Women’s Club, please email us at ssfwomensclub@gmail.com and include “ESO” in the subject line and we will contact you directly.  We look forward to hearing from you! 

“Knowledge is power”Sir Frances Bacon

So read on!