About Us
Club Focus
Club Focus
Education , health issues, the disabled, and victims of abuse
Education , health issues, the disabled, and victims of abuse
Strong support of veterans concerns & welfare
Strong support of veterans concerns & welfare
Beautification, conservation, and historic preservation
Beautification, conservation, and historic preservation
Education through travel and day trips
Education through travel and day trips
Fulfillment and growth through friendship, volunteerism, and club activities
Fulfillment and growth through friendship, volunteerism, and club activities
The purpose of the South San Francisco Women's Club
The purpose of the South San Francisco Women's Club
is to promote the educational, civic, and social well-being of
is to promote the educational, civic, and social well-being of
our community by supporting and initiating measures
our community by supporting and initiating measures
towards these ends and to cooperate with General, State,
towards these ends and to cooperate with General, State,
and District Women's Clubs in their charitable purposes.
and District Women's Clubs in their charitable purposes.
Programs Supported
Programs Supported
SSF Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program
SSF Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program
Youth Leadership Programs: EDGE and HOBY
Youth Leadership Programs: EDGE and HOBY
El Camino Bell Restoration Program
El Camino Bell Restoration Program
Operation Smile
Operation Smile
Penny Pines Reforestation Program
Penny Pines Reforestation Program
Samaritan House (Safe Harbor)
Second Harvest Food Bank
Samaritan House (Safe Harbor)
Second Harvest Food Bank
Salvation Army
Salvation Army
SSF Annual Park & Recreation Easter Egg Hunt
SSF Annual Park & Recreation Easter Egg Hunt
SSF Historical Society
SSF Historical Society
Women In Military Service for America Memorial Washinton D.C,
Women In Military Service for America Memorial Washinton D.C,
Wreaths Across America
Wreaths Across America